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11th Lelu Town Ordinances

L.T.O. No.                 Effective          Title

L.T.O. No. 11-01

To appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to cover cost of contractual services of a mechanic position for the Fiscal Year ending September 2019.

L.T.O. No, 11-02

To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2019 for the purpose of funding or supplement the Representation Fund allowance for the Mayor of the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-03

Relating to creation and establishment of Ranger positions under the Executive Branch of the Lelu Town Government.

L.T.O. No. 11-04

To appropriate the sum of $2,350.00 from the Lelu town Treasury for the purpose of funding the 2019 general clean up activities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-05

To appropriate the sum of $223.20 from the Lelu Town Government Treasury for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2019 for the purpose of compensating the cost of overtime for the chief clerk of the Lelu Town Council for performing work outside of normal working hours during regular and special sessions of the Lelu Town Council and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-06

Relating to the creation and establishing a Custom and Tradition Association for the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-07

To appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 from the Lelu town treasury for the purpose of funding the Custom and Tradition Association (CTA) activities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-08

To appropriate the sum of $500.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to afford the funding request from the Lelu United Women Association (LUWA) and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-09

An act to establish a part time deputy clerical position under the Legislative Branch of the Lelu Town Government and to appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to fund the deputy clerk and other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-10

To appropriate the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200.00) from the LTG Treasury to supplement the Lelu Beautification Project, and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-11

To appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) from the LTG Treasury to supplement the Lelu Charter activities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-12

To appropriate the sum of $1,400.82 from the CFSM subsidy fund (Public Law 20-141) for the Lelu Town Government to pay the outstanding balance from the FSM Telecommunication Corporation.

L.T.O. No. 11-13

An act, to appropriate the sum of $253,414.00 from the general fund of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the operation of the executive, legislative and certain activities and organization for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-14

To appropriate the sum of $32,809.00 from the CFSM subsidy to Lelu town Government to pay off the garnishment order by the FSM supreme court and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-15

To appropriate the sum of $27,656.32 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the appropriated fund for the 2019 Liberation Festivities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-16

To appropriate the sum of $40,000.00 (Public Law 20-178, 21-01) for the purpose of funding administrative support to the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-17

To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to fund the Mayor's Message Event and for other related purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-18

To appropriate the sum of $4,165.00 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the funding for POL for the Executive Branch of the Lelu Town Government for Fiscal Year 2020 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-19

To effectuate a meeting allowance fee to members of organizations and boards established by ordinances under the Mayor's office and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-20

To appropriate the sum $3,000.00 from Lelu Town Treasury to finance the Lelu Town Government 2019 Christmas activities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-21

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L.T.O. No. 11-22

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L.T.O. No. 11-23

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L.T.O. No. 11-24

To appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to finance all related costs for the establishment of a local market for the people of Lelu for the fiscal year ending September 2020.

L.T.O. No. 11-25

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L.T.O. No. 11-26

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L.T.O. No. 11-27

To establish a curfew ordinance for the Municipality of Lelu and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-28

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L.T.O. No. 11-29

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L.T.O. No. 11-30

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L.T.O. No. 11-31

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L.T.O. No. 11-32

To amend Section 3 and Section 7 of the Lelu Town Ordinance No. 07-06 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-33

In nawelah Section 2 ke Lelu Town Ordinance No. 06-15 ac in sang Section 3 sasuc se in fah pangpang "Kosraclah", ac Section 4 sasu in pangpang "Kaiyuck"; ac kuhtuh pac sripac sayac.

L.T.O. No. 11-34

To appropriate the sum of eight thousand and four hundred dollars ($8,400.00) from the Lelu town Treasury as supplemental budget for 11th Council COW Session in FY 2020 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-35

To appropriate the sum of two thousand eight hundred dollars ($2,800.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the operation of the executive branch of the Lelu Town Government for period ending September 30, 2020 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-36

To appropriate the sum of three thousand seven hundred fifty three dollars ($3,753.00) from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the personnel cost of the executive and legislative branches of the Lelu Town Government for period ending September 30, 2020, and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-37

To appropriate the sum of $1,280.20 from the Lelu Town Treasury to offset and outstanding debt with the FSMTC Kosrae and for related purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-38

To appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the operational cost of the Lelu Town Government for period ending September 30, 2020 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-39

To appropriate the sum of $500.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the 2020 operational costs of the Lelu Senior Citizen and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-40

To appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Government Treasury to provide supplement funding for the 2020 Festivities and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-41

To create and Oversight Committee for the Lelu Town Government to be called, Lelu Infrastructure, Project Implementation Committee (LIPIC) to oversee all development projects within the municipality of Lelu and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-42

To amend Section 3 of the Lelu Town Ordinance No, 11-37 for the purpose of extending the lapse date of LTO. 11-37 from September 30, 2020 to September 30, 2021 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-43

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L.T.O. No. 11-44

To amend LTO: 10-41, by amending Section 4, Subsection 28 thereof, to change the amount from $200.00 and replacing it with the amount of $100.00.

L.T.O. No. 11-45

To amend LTO: 11-24 by amending Sections 1 and 4 thereof, to change the Section Heading and the Lapse Date and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-46

Relating to creation and establishment of the Lelu Water Council for the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-47

To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury for the purpose of funding the operation of Lelu Election Commission for Fiscal Year 2021 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-48

To authorize and appropriate the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) from the National Treasury to supplement the Lelu Town Government Operations for Fiscal Year ending September 2021 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-49

To authorize and appropriate the sum of Twenty Two Thousand One Hundred Fifty Five Dollars ($22,155.00) from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the fixed assets account of the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-50

To accepte and appropriate the sum of (Sixty Thousand Dollars) from the FSM National Treasury to fund the upgrading of the Pikusrik Water System for Fiscal Year ending September 2022 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-51

To appropriate the sum of $18,000.00 from the CFSM Fund for the purpose of renovating Lelu Basketball Court and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-52

To appropriate the sum of $279,273.81 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the Operation of the Executive, Legislative and certain activities and organizations of the Lelu Town Government for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-53

To authorize and appropriate the sum of Nine Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars and Thirty One Cents ($998.31) from the Lelu Town General Treasury to supplement LTO: 11-49 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-54

To appropriate the sum of $600.00 (Six Hundred Dollars) from the Lelu Town Treasury to support a Fast Pitch Tournament implemented by the Park and Recreation Committee of the Lelu Town Government.

L.T.O. No. 11-55

To appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) from the Lelu Town General Treasury to supplement the consumable account of the Lelu town Government for period ending January 31, 2022 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-56

To amend Section 8.5 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by deleting the clause "Resolution and Bill Drafting" and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-57

To amend Section 7 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting a new Section to be called "Responsibility" and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-58

To amend Section 8.4 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by deleting the last line of the Provision and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-59

To amend Section 7.4 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting two new Subsection allowing annual leave to be used when an employee has excused his/her sick leave and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-60

To amend Section 7.3 of Section 10 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting two new Subsections for newly appointed employees and approved of leave request and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-61

To amend Subsection 7 of Section 10 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by changing the Title of Subsection 7.3.

L.T.O. No. 11-62

To amend Subsection 10.3 of Section 10 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting a New Line to address expenses and proceed. 

L.T.O. No. 11-63

To amend Subsection 1.2 of Section 1 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by changing the term of service for the Council.

L.T.O. No. 11-64

To amend Section 7.3 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by increasing the number of paid vacation to 150 hours equates to 23 working days.

L.T.O. No. 11-65

To amend Subsection 5.2 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting a new clause to address the amount of time allocated for lunch break for each employee for each working day.

L.T.O. No. 11-66

To amend Subsection 11.3 of Section 11 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by erasing word "Crime" with "Felony".

L.T.O. No. 11-67

To amend Subsection 10.2 of Section 10 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration of travel expenses.

L.T.O. No. 11-68

To amend Subsection 8.7 of Section 8 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting two new boards for the Lelu Town Government.

L.T.O. No. 11-69

To amend Subsection 11.2 of Section 11 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting the number of absences before being terminated.

L.T.O. No. 11-70

To amend Subsection 8.2 of Section 10 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting a new line to address authorization of travel expenses.

L.T.O. No. 11-71

To appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 from the CFSM Subsidy to fund the Renovation Project of the Lelu Town Government Building and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 11-72

To amend Subsection 7.3 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by inserting a new clause to forbit transfering of remaining paid vacation hours from one Fiscal Year to another.

L.T.O. No. 11-73

To amend Subsection 11.2 of Section 11 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by replacing the word "Crime" with "Felony".

L.T.O. No. 11-74

To amend Subsection 11.3 of Section 11 of the Lelu town Government Manual of Administration by replacing the word "No" with "5 Days".

L.T.O. No. 11-75

To amend Subsection 1.3 of Section 1 of the Lelu Town Government Manual of Administration by changing the term of service for the Mayor.

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