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12th Lelu Town Ordinances

L.T.O. No.                 Effective          Title


To amend LTO:6-12 by inserting a new sub-section 4 under Section 4 and to further amend Section 4 by adjusting the salary schedule of all positions of the Lelu Town Government who work 64 hours in a pay period to include forty dollars ($40.00) increase to its amount and to award the same to all employees of the Lelu Town Government starting FY24-25 and for other purposes. 

L.T.O. No. 12-47


To amend Section 2 of LTO. 05-09 as amended by LTO. 06-01, 06-02, 06-15, and 11-33 and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the Fixed Assets Account of the Office of the Mayor for fiscal year ending 2024 and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of $1,884.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the Representation Allowance for the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the Council for fiscal year ending 2024 and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to fund a  Special Election for a vacated seat for the 12th Lelu Town Council for fiscal year ending 2024 and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of $14,945.40 from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement PL.22-180/22-188, Section 3(u) for the procurement of a Dump Truck for the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury to fund the Codification Project for the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $206.36 from the Lelu Town Treasury for the purpose of compensating the hours earned by Mr. Isamu Abraham who is now serving as the Acting Mayor of Lelu Town Government for the additional duties responsibilities rendered at his service. 

L.T.O. No. 12-40



L.T.O. No. 12-39




To appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 (Two Thousand Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town Treasury to fund the Special Election for the seat of the Mayor for fiscal year ending 2024 and for other purposes.


Declaring the seat of the Mayor of Lelu vacant, to provide for a special election to fill the vacancy, and for related purposes. 

L.T.O. No. 12-36


To appropriate the sum of $3,600.00 (Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars) from the Lelu Town Treasury to compensate a legal counsel position for the Lelu Town Government for period ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes,

L.T.O. No. 12-35


To appropriate the sum of $980.00 (Nine Hundred Eighty Dollars only) from the Lelu Town Government General Treasury to pay off an outstanding balance from the Lelu Expo Event for Fiscal Year 2023 and for other purposes. 

L.T.O. No. 12-34



L.T.O. No. 12-33


To appropriate the sum of $203.20 (Two Hundred Three Dollars and Twenty Cents from the Lelu Town Government general treasury to compensate the Honorable Osamu Nedlic for the hours he served as the Acting Mayor for the Lelu Town Government during the absence of the Mayor Presley Abraham for fiscal year 2023 and for other purposes. 

L.T.O. No. 12-32


To appropriate the sum of $2,100.00 (Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars) from the Lelu Town Government Treasury to supplement the operation of the Legislative branch for Fiscal Year 2023 and for other purposes. 

L.T.O. No. 12-31


To appropriate the sum of $289,361.00 (Two Hundred Eighty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-One Dollars) from the General Treasury of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the operation of the Executive, Legislative, and certain activities and organization for fiscal year ending September 39, 2024; and for other purposes 

L.T.O. No. 12-30


To further amend LTO.12-12 as amended by LTO.12-18 by amending Section 2 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding priority infrastructure projects and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 from the General Treasury of the Lelu Town Government to finance the Lelu Expo Task Force in its planning meetings.


To appropriate the sum of $1,100.00 (One Thousand One Hunred Dollarsfrom the General Treasury of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the services necessary to build a website for the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $4,350.00 (Four Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars) from the General Treasury of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of supplementing the COW meeting of the 12th Lelu Town Council and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $5,000. 00 (Five Thousand Dollars Only) from the Saving Account of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the peopl of Lelu and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of $ 1,210.00 (One Thousand Two Hundred Ten Dollars) from the Lelu Town Government General Treasury to Supplement the Lelu Memorial Day and Lelu Charter Day Activities for Fiscal Year 2023 and for other purposes. 


To appropriate the sum of $2,400.00 (Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town Government General Treasury to supplement the operation of the Legislative Branch for Fiscal Year ending 2023 and for other purposes. 


Establishing a full time Assistant Clerical position under the Legislative Branch of the Lelu Town Government and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 12-22




To appropriate the sum of $2,000.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury for the purpose of funding the operation of the Lelu Election Commission for fiscal year ending September 2023 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 12-20



L.T.O. No. 12-19



10 . 10 . 22

To amend LTO: 12-12 by amending the sum in its title, and to further amend Line 1 of Section 1, Line 6, 7, and 13 of Section 2, and Line 73 of Section 6 and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $4,000.00 (Four Thousand Dollars Only ) from the Lelu Town Government General Treasury to fund all related costs accumulated during this year's Liberation Day festivities and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $560.00 (Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town Government General Treasury to supplement the Lelu Trading Center Operation Costs and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 (Three Thousand Dollars Only) for the purpose of supplementing the operation of the Lelu Town Government for fiscal year ending September 2022 and for other purposes.


To appropriate the sum of  $4,000.00 (Four Thousand Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town General Treasury to supplement the operation of the Legislative Branch of the Lelu Town Government for fiscal year ending September 2022 and for other puroses.

To authorize and appropriate the sum of $995.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury for the purpose of funding the Sales Manager servicing under the LFFC ending fiscal year 2022; and further appropriate the sum of $4,308.00 to continue the funding of this service ending fiscal year 2023; and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $302,149.00 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the Operation of the Executive, Legislative and certain activities and organizations of the Lelu Town Government for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2023 and for other purposes.

L.T.O. No. 12-12 

06 . 30 . 22

To appropriate the sum of $291.310 from the General Fund of the Lelu Town Government for the purpose of funding the Operation of the Executive, Legislative and certain activities and organizations of the Lelu Town Government for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2023 and for other purposes.

To revoke Council Resolution No, 11-129 in its entirety

Relating to the creating and establishment of the Lelu Trading Center and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $2,450.00 from the Lelu Town Treasury for the purpose of supplementing the COW Meeting allowance and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $600,00 (Six Hundred Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town General Treasury to supplement the Overtime hours of the Chief Clerk for fiscal year ending September 2022 and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $12,000.00 (Twelve Thousand Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town General Treasury to procure the necessary supplies and materials for the Renovation of the Lelu Elementary School Basketball Court for fiscal year ending September 2022 and for other purposes.

To authorize the sum of $1,800.00 (One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars Only) earmarked for FY21-22 Project Development to finance the supervisory roles and duties of the Renovation and Resurfacing of the Lelu Elementary School Basketball Court and for other purposes.

To appropriate the sum of $4,200.00 (Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars Only) from the Lelu Town Treasury to supplement the operation cost of the legislative Body for the period ending September 2022.

To amend Line 7, Section 3 of LTO: 07-23 and for other purposes.

To re-amend LTO: 11-24 as amended by LTO: 11-45,l by amending sections 1 and 4 thereof, to change the lapse date and for other purposes.

To appropriate the amount of $3,000.00 from the General fund of the Lelu Town Treasury to compensate the part time duties of the Legislative Counsel for the 12th Lelu Town Council.

To adopt into ordinance to establish a chief mechanic position under the Executive Branch of the Lelu Town Government; and for other purposes.

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