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12th Lelu Town Council Resolutions
C.R No. Title
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Tulensa S. Likiaksa to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Henretha R. Albert to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Evelyn B. Palik to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Rhinehard B. William to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Marston M. Luckym to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Hans B. Skilling to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Aaron H. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Sepe P. Albert to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Florence N. Nena to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Leonard A. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Albert T. Welley to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Takeo N. Mike to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Swinston T. Siba to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Albert T. Welley to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Fores K. Abraham to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Hipson B. Palik to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Eluel K. Palik to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Sidney S. Skilling to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Consenting to the nomination of Isao J. Mike to serve as a member of the LTG IPIC Committee starting February 2022 to January 10, 2026
Sie pusra in akkalemye lupan welac ac pakomuta lun Lelu Town Government, Council Ak 12, ac mwet Lelue nukewa ke wanginlac lun sie mwet saok lasr, Late Tulpe K. William.
Sie pusra in akkalemye lupan welac ac pakomuta lun Lelu Town Government, Council Ak 12, ac mwet Lelue nukewa ke wanginlac lun sie mwet saok lasr, Late Deaconess Marleen M. Tosi.
To express and acknowledge extreme and high appreciation to Miss. Kenye C. Phillip for the great dedications and services she contributed to the Lelu Town Government and the people of Lelu during many years she has served as a Deputy clerk of the Lelu town Council.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. George Tilfas to be a member of the Lelu PTA Board starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Aliksa T. Sigrah to be a member of the Lelu PTA Board starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Livingston James to be a member of the Lelu PTA Board starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Adelyn Noda to serve as a board member of the Lelu Resource Management Committee (RMC) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Ruthey Marston to serve as a member of the Lelu PTA Board starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026.
To confirm the nomination of Reverend Peter Noda to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Aliksa B. Aliksa to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Roger Abraham to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Adelyn Noda to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
C.R. No. 12-32
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Ione S. Siba to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $10,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, to contribute to the Lelu Public Market
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Florence N. Nena to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
Approving and accepting a congressional assistant fund in the amount of $5,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, specifically for the purhcase of sports equipment for the Lelu Municipal Government.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Perlini Likiaksa to be a member of the Lelu Custom and Tradition Association starting from February 2022 to February 10, 2026
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $30,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180 to subsidize the operation of the Lelu Town Government.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Tulensa F. Skilling to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $100,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, to supplement funding for the Sroanef to Pukusrik seawall project.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Kiaru H. Esau to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Jacob Jr. Nena to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $25,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, to supplement funding for land acquisition for the Lelu Town Government.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Roger Abraham to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Weston H. Esau to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Nicholas Abraham to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Minnie J. Nena to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Emily Robar to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Roland A. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Wilson K. Tilfas to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association (LFA) starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Eterny Edwin to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Alik B. Palik to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Ronald Albert to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Reynold Alokoa to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Perlini T. Likiaksa to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Swinston W. Luckymis to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Swinston W. Tilfas to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Clara S. Palik to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Else J. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Fred R. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Moro B. Palik to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Tulensa F. Skilling to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Bennor Elley to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Bobby Andrew to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Fred G. Nedlic to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Hermis O. Tolsie to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Paul I. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Weston H. Esahu to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Thansley R. Kinere to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Alik K. William to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Gasma G. Nedlic to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Gentle T. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Jacob W. Palik to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Judah L. James to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Mac (Jun) J. Tokuhara to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Paul M. Tosie to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Sidney S. Skilling to be a member of Sansrik Parents & Teacher Association starting from February 2022 to February 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Kun I. Tosie to be a member of Sansrik Parents & Teacher Association starting from February 2022 to February 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Shiro R. Sigrah to be a member of Sansrik Parents & Teacher Association starting from February 2022 to February 2026
To confirm the nomination of Ms. Beverly Wabol to be a member of Sansrik Parents & Teacher Association starting from February 2022 to February 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Evelyn B. Palik to be a member of Sansrik Parents & Teacher Association starting from February 2022 to February 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Arthy M. Skilling to serve as a member of the Lelu Election Commission starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Mcgill A. Welly to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Bryan Q. Esau to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Ardis G. Tilfas to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Jackie A. George to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Atachy M. Thomson to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Gentle T. Sigrah to be a member of the LES PTA Board starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Jacob T. John to be a member of the LES PTA Board starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Evelyn B. Palik to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Ms. Beverly L. Wabol to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Hanrieta R. Albert to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Ione S. Siba to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Ruthey M. Luckymis to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association Rep, to KWA starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Annie G. Siba to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Eileen L. Nena to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Shauna L. Abraham to be a member of the Lelu Woman Association Rep. to KWA starting from February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mrs. Gloria B. Elley to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Ms. Samantha S. Sigrah to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Aaron C. Alokoa to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Moro B. Palik to be a member of the Lelu Youth Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Tulensa S. Likiaksa to serve as a board member of the Lelu Park & Recreation Committee starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
Adopting the 2022 Manual of Administration (MOA) to provide policy guidelines for the operation of the Lelu Town Government.
C.R. No. 12-98
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Leroy F. Abraham to serve as a board member of the Lelu Water Council starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Austin P, Abraham to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Cooperative Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Kun Sigrah, Jr. to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Cooperative Association starting February 10, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To authorize the Mayor of Lelu to use the funds earmarked for the Project Development Account for FY22 to pay off equipment rental charges this government owed to Mr. Benor Elley and for other purposes.
Expressing the deepest sadness and condolences of the Twelfth Lelu Town Council at the passing of the late Papa Tatchuo H. Sigrah.
Calling T.H Mayor Presley Abraham to execute necessary actions to address the environmental impacts indicated in the letter from Mr. Alik Jack, dated June 2nd 2022.
Authorizing and Approving the Mayor of Lelu to reprogram the sum of $8,500.00 from the 2022 Personnel Budget to supplement the operation cost of the Executive Branch for the remaining operation of fiscal year 2022 and for other purposes.
Authorizing the Mayor of Lelu to reprogram the sum of $2,315.00 from the Project Development Account to supplement the operation cost of the Lelu Town Government for fiscal year ending September 2022 and for other purposes.
Expressing the deepest heartfelt and sympathy of the Twelfth Lelu Town Council for the passing of the Later Honorable Jacob Nena on July 6, 2022 at Sacramento, CA., USA.
To amend Rule 2.12 of the Official Rules of Procedure for the Lelu Town Council by inserting a new clause that Council Members participating remotely in any council session must participate remotely via video conference and have their camera on throughout the council session in order to be considered present for quorum count, voting and attendance purposes.
Expressing the deepest sadness with condolences of the Twelfth Lelu Town Council at the passing of The Late Senator Daniel B. Palik.
C.R. No. 12-110
Authorizing the Honorable Presley Abraham to utilize the sum of $850.00 from the general treasury of the Lelu Town Government to compensate hours of services provided by certain individuals for the Lelu Basketball Court and for other purposes.
In sang lela ac confirmation nu sel Mayor Presley Abraham elan reprogram $5,000.00 ma budgeted nu ke Contribution ac Subsidy nuke Fix Asset luhn Executive Branch.
Authorizing the Honorable Mayor Presley Abraham to utilize $2,500.00 from the Organization and Subsidies Account, earmarked specifically for the 2022 Liberation Festivities, to support the annual Senior Citizen Day, proposed to be observed by the Lelu Town Government on October 1st of 2022.
Akilen ac akucl fulact nuh sel Nina Ella E. Tosie, suc eteyuk muh pa mahtuh emmet ke mutan fini acn Lelu.
Acknowledging and Honoring Mr. John P. Sigrah, who is recognized as the most living aging male in the municipality of Lelu.
C.R. No. 12-116
Authorizing the Honorable Mayor Abraham to utilize the sum of $6,000.0 from the general treasury of the Lelu Town Government to compensate the contractual services performed by the four (4) Church groups in Lelu whom identified as Contractors for the Pikusrik Dam Project.
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Darrel D. Thomson to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association starting October 7, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Isidro C. Abraham to serve as a board member of the Lelu Farmers Association starting October 7, 2022 to February 10, 2026
To confirm the nomination of Mr. Herbert T. Sigrah to serve as a board member of the Lelu Fishing Association starting October 7, 2022 to February 10, 2026
Expressing the deepest sadness and condolences of the Twelfth Lelu Town Council at the passing of the late Honorable Leonard A. Sigrah on October 31, 2022.
Authorizing the Honorable Mayor Presley Abraham to utilize $1,500 from the general fund of the Lelu Town Treasury to compensate the contractual services executed by the four (4) -----=-, an interest group in Lelu whom identified as Contractors for the Pikusrik Dam Project.
Authorizing The Honorable Mayor Presley Abraham to utilize the Executive branch FY 2023 funds earmarked for contractual and Project development to compensate the contractual services for the Pikusrik Dam clearing and maintenance project.
Expressing the sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Tia Kyra J. John for her dedication, commitment, and extraordinary services to the Twelfth Lelu Town.
Expressing the sincere gratitude and appreciation to The Honorable Yoshiro L. Abraham for his dedicated services to the Lelu Town Council.
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $10,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, to contribute to the Lelu Public Market
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $5,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180, specifically for the purchase of sports equipment for the Lelu Municipal Government.
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $30,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180 to subsidize the operation of the Lelu Town Government.
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $100,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for fiscal year 2023 under Public Law 22-180 to supplement funding for the Sroanef to Pukusrik seawall project.
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of $25,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia under Public Law 22-180, to supplement funding for land acquisition for the Lelu Town Government.
Approving and accepting a Congressional assistant fund in the amount of 350,000.00 from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia under Public Law 22-48, for the purp;ose of funding a Seawall Project from Sroanef to Fwinanpes and for other purposes.
Confirmation and authorization of The Honorable Billy Palik as one of the signatories on Lelu Town Government checks and all other required transactions.
A call for Mayor Abraham to expedite all required actions to fulfill the project, entitled "Lelu Town Government subsidy".
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